4 Tips to Burn Fat Without Losing Muscle

It is the goal to achieve: lose weight , but always maintaining the good muscle tone that costs so much effort. If you want to lose weight, burning fat without losing muscle , follow these tips and you will get it.

Table of Content

  1. How to lose fat without losing volume
  2. Reduce carbohydrate intake and maintain (or increase) protein intake
  3. Do not fast
  4. High intensity intervals in any type of training
  5. Hydrate yourself conveniently

Defining costs, because it requires perseverance and hard work in the gym, but, sometimes, eliminating accumulated fat becomes an absolute priority. In a healthy body, which is maintained at its ideal weight and can be proud of strong and toned muscles, fats have no place. If you want to eliminate fat and take care of your muscles , proper exercise and diet are the keys to achieve it. Burning fat is a mathematical matter. You have to spend more calories than you eat. Only then will your body resort to stored lipids and get rid of fats. The difficulty lies in getting that balance so that you lose just what is left over and not the volume and tone of your muscles.

How to lose fat without losing volume

If your goal is to burn fat without losing muscle , take note of these four basic tips that refer to both the diet and the type of training you should follow:

1. Reduce carbohydrate intake and maintain (or increase) protein intake

If you do sports regularly, you need to get energy from the essential carbohydrates, but if you try to eliminate fat by taking care of your muscles , always opt for slow-absorbed carbohydrates (whole grains) and try to reduce their presence in your diet by 10% . The high biological value protein (eggs, lean meats, fish …) is essential so that the muscle fibers remain in perfect condition while you burn fat.

2. Do not fast

It is another important premise. Radically eliminates the intake of empty calories such as those containing alcohol or industrial pastries but do not stay long periods of time without eating . Your body needs energy for sports and the ideal way to burn fat without losing muscles is to make 5 or 6 meals spread throughout the day and always in moderate amounts. The idea to eliminate body fat without losing muscle is that your body does not resort to the glycogen stores that your muscles store. Therefore, having enough energy at all times is important. Keep in mind, moreover, that the digestive process itself carries a significant metabolic expense. Your body burns calories while digesting food, so having “something” in your stomach helps burn calories without “touching” your muscles.

3. High intensity intervals in any type of training

The aerobic exercise is essential if it is what is to burn fat. Swimming, running on treadmill , cycling or working on the elliptical … are sports that burn a lot of calories. They are essential when it comes to increasing your caloric expenditure, but you will achieve better results by inserting minutes of HIIT training (high intensity intervals). The explanation is simple. By putting your body (muscle groups, blood circulation and heart) at full power, the effects of that effort will continue once the activity is over. Training with high intensity intervals, not only burn fat at the time, but your body will continue to do so, without you noticing, for hours after the end of training. This happens both with aerobic exercise, as with strength training, so high intensity intervals are an essential element if your goal is to burn fat and keep your muscles progressively.

4. Hydrate yourself conveniently

Good hydration is always essential when developing any physical activity with all the guarantees, but sometimes we forget that water is also essential for the good state of our muscles. Drinking enough fluids, mainly water, we not only help our body to eliminate fats and toxins but also to maintain the good condition and volume of our muscles.

Selena is a blogger and a guest contributor for a well-known brand that includes Inthemarket, HomeandGarden. In her leisure time, she plays tennis.
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