Rendering refers to the technique of applying cement to external concrete walls in order to attain textured and smooth surface. To attain the desired look on the property, you should go for cement rendering. Rendering old brick walls may add to the looks of the building and give your premise a modern appearance. A renderer is applied to make a property appealing so that its value increases. If the property is appealing both inside and outside, it will be more desirable for the buyers. We have qualified renderers and plasterers to carry out the job. It is used to be done in Europe and appeared on the mud brick and stone dwelling of Australia only later on.
You may say that renderer is applied to a building to increase the rating for fire resistance and to make the building waterproof, but it also increases the appeal of the building. It can boost the aesthetic appeal of a building to a great extent. All across Europe, the brick wall is not considered to be complete until it is rendered. Cement rendering and concrete rendering is popular in France as well. In some states, the local council governs even the color of the rendering material. If you scratch the rendered surface, inside you will find stone or brick wall. Due to the popularity of rendered surfaces, the demand for plasterers has also increased.
The Way Rendering Is Done
To render brick walls, mainly cement, lime, and sand are used. Lime is just added to the cement and sand mixture is added to give a sort of creamy texture. Thus, the surface becomes less prone to warping and becomes more and more elastic. But, the items used for rendering should be free of any impurity. Other ingredients you find in the rendering mixes are bonding agents, pigments, and some additives in order to slacken the drying process. With the help of trowel, the renderer applies a thin coating of the material. The top coat can be applied with the help of the brush, a trowel or anything that gives a smooth and even finish. What matters here is the kind of texture you want to attain. In the current times, we have high tech methods of accomplishing rendering. The premixed acrylic rendering products feature waterproofing capability. Acrylic has more of waterproofing ability. The best part is that acrylic rendering can settle in just 24 hours time. Traditional rendering material takes more than 1 month time to settle.
Prepare The Walls For Rendering
Without preparing the walls, you cannot attain uniform look. The wall should be cleaned efficiently and one must check for cracks and gaps. All the cracks and gaps must be filled by plaster material. While applying the renderer, make sure no bubble forms. The render coat may be finished only when the crack is filled up.
Can You Do It On Your Own?
Yes! Rendering may be done by you. The job is DIY but a lot depends on the results you want to attain. If the professional is experienced and skilled in the task, he can attain smoother surface at a faster pace. The result will be smooth and even. Such surface may only be attained by a professional. It is better to choose a professional for rendering service since the results will be dramatic. You can add a lot of curb appeal to your home appearance by taking professional rendering service. There is no need to spend hours to locate suitable renderers. You may just look online to find rendering professionals near to your space.
If you want exterior walls to get a classy finish, you can go for rendering service. Concrete rendering is the cost-effective way to bring a dramatic change to the exterior walls.