8 Foods to Avoid If You Have Sensitive Teeth

We know food matters for our teeth health. It matters more for sensitive teeth. The sensitivity of teeth is a common health concern we deal with daily. Our teeth get exposure to faulty foods regularly. While eating hot or cold food, we encounter a disturbing sensation in our teeth sometimes. Although dentistry has advanced medical treatments for the issue, yet it is imperative to be careful and take care of our own health. Taking precautionary measures in terms of food can ward off this situation. 

Here is a list of foods that you need to avoid if you are facing a sensitive tooth issue:

1. Mind the Temperature (Extreme Hot & Cold Food)

As already mentioned, hot and cold food causes disturbance to the teeth. People altogether should refrain from consuming too hot or too cold food. Hot beverages like coffee and tea or any food having high temperatures such as soup, hot meals do much harm to sensitive teeth. Wait for your food to cool down a little, which won’t burn your mouth or tongue. 

Similarly, cold food like ice cream and cold drinks can cause discomfort or pain to an extreme level. Opt for drinks without the ice and less extreme versions of frozen treats. Use a straw to decrease the exposure.   


2. Avoid Acidic Foods    

Citrus or acidic foods such as lemon, lime, pineapple, vinegary pickles, etc. can weaken the enamel and lead to tooth sensitivity. Continuous contact with such foods can decay your tooth over time. So, avoid acidic foods or limit the consumption for maintaining healthy teeth. Consume water with them to keep your mouth moist and allow the saliva to cleanse the acids. Tomatoes, fruits, and yogurt, which are sources of vitamins, also are highly acidic. To reduce its effect, couple them up with meals. Eat them with other foods to neutralize the acid content. 


3. Say No to Hard Foods

Your teeth are vulnerable to hard substances. We don’t realize the number of hard foods we consume regularly. And these are causing crack teeth and sensitivity. Ice, corn, apples, carrot, hard candies, and many more can cause tooth decay. Break the habit of chewing ice and avoid hard candy like lollipops or peppermints.  


4. Ignore Sticky Foods

What sticks to your teeth stays longer on it. Sticky foods such as toffees, caramels, licorice, and also dried fruits can disrupt your oral health. Also, these substances contain sugar, which causes bacteria leading to tooth decay. It is worse if you have open cavities where such sticky stuff gets stuck causing more damage or leading to need of dental emergency. To maintain good oral hygiene always rinse off such substances with water and brush and floss correctly.  


5. Ignore Soda and Stick to Water

Soda can aggravate your sensitive teeth, as it contains citric acid which melts down the teeth enamel. Furthermore, if you brush your teeth after drinking soda, you also brush away enamel microns, which makes it prone to erosion. Hence, wait at least for half an hour before brushing. In the case of a recession in the gums, soda removes the protective layer on the root surface, leading to sensitive teeth. 


6. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol causes the risk of several health concerns, including liver cancer, oral cancer, cardiovascular disease, and much more. What alcohol does to your teeth is it increases plaque, causes staining, dehydration, and dry mouth. Heavy drinkers are most likely to suffer from gum disease, tooth decay, and mouth sores. A study confirms alcohol or tobacco abuse increases plaque levels and are susceptible to permanent tooth loss. However, there is no confirming evidence that moderate drinking will not cause similar effects. Dental practices now make use of modern types of equipment like dental ct scanner, to examine the patient’s needs for care throughout and after any dental surgery. For any oral disease and treatment, these make observations easier. 


7. Spicy Foods

Along with avoiding acidic foods, it is good to avoid spicy foods. Although in general spicy foods are not bad for your teeth, but some of them can cause acid reflux, which can erode the enamel. It causes stomach acids that travel to our mouth through the esophagus. Genetic factors also influence the health of our teeth. If you have sensitive teeth and spicy food that causes acid reflux for you, try to avoid them as much as you can.  


8. Sugary Foods

Lastly, cut down on sugary foods. Be cautious of the energy drinks which claim to provide energy, but on the downside, these contain a very high amount of sugar. Some energy drinks also contain high acidic content, and continuous consumption of it can lead to enamel erosion. Dental experts in research found that energy drinks contain two times higher acidity than sports drinks. Even a low acidic content drink can disturb your saliva’s pH level.  


It is difficult to strike off all the teeth harming foods and drinks from our diet. We can lower down the amount and find out ways to relieve and prevent our teeth. Negligence towards dental health, thinking our teeth can tolerate everything, is a habit you need to avoid primarily. Visit a dental professional twice a year to identify causes or concerns if any. For your oral health, it is necessary to diagnose issues in its early stages.        


Emma Gill is a passionate writer & guest blogger. Writing helps her to improve her knowledge, skills & understanding about the specific industry. She loves writing & sharing her knowledge mostly in the health industry. She believes health is the real wealth & want to spread her belief across the world. Apart from writing, she loves traveling & cooking.
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