Before we delve into how I adopted a minimalist lifestyle, let’s clear the air surrounding it. It is not at all about owning a small quantity, but rather casting away the things which add nothing valuable to one’s life. It’s like a breath of fresh air amidst the chaotic happenings. In fact, it is like having a less drama in your life, lovelies!
So how the journey from a hoarder to being a minimalist began? Well, it was Matilda Kahl, who inspired me. I resonated with what she said of the plight women go through every day due to the stress dressing comes along with. After simplifying her wardrobe by investing in 15 silk white shirts and black pants, her life had more purpose and clarity. And this was the exact order I needed in my life so I just had to jump into her shoes. While it was on a spur of a moment for her, it took me a while to settle down, yes, but I did make it!
Let’s put it this way, just as too much junk makes one stomach to bloat, too much of clothing chokes the wardrobe out and occasionally, it must go over a diet as well.
The first thing I did was to make my wardrobe go through a massive de-clutter. I must admit, it wasn’t easy to cast things aside, but then the outcome was indeed therapeutic. I played what I have versus what I use and witnessed the magic. I valued that less, but meaningful is more rather than being a mindless hoarder.
Following this, I let go off of the mantra, “shop till you drop” which I used to religiously practice. I switched to the basics and chose the hues very carefully. This helped me in becoming more self-disciplined and organized. It was my first step on the ladder towards success. I eliminated the pieces, such as in bright pinks or reds, and began going for more neutral colors. Navy blues, grays, whites topped my list as they can easily be mixed and matched.
Gradually, I incorporated the concept of the capsule wardrobe in my life. I kid you not when I say that it was a major life savior thing I adopted in my life. Gone were the days when I had to rummage and fumble around in my wardrobe every other morning for apt clothes to head out for work. Every single day you get to wear the favorite pieces of yours. I have assembled the outfits into three sections: traditional, formal and casual. This way, there is absolutely no hassle and no frustration at picking preferable clothing.
Also, I started seeing my closet with a different eye. Earlier, it was just like some storage space for me where I would chuck stuff. Now, it is my beloved closet where I keep my most prized possessions; something which actually keeps my things safe and secure.
A good mental bandwidth and capsule wardrobe are synonymous. I now have plenty of time to look after things which actually needs my attention. In addition to this, I am free of the “I have nothing to wear” syndrome because both my closet and mind are sorted.
Other than this, you have less baggage to handle. I, for one, ended up saving a great deal of money. The laundry pile reduced as well as the desire to splurge on those weekly sales. I can now differentiate between the items I like and love and make the purchases accordingly. It has made me appreciate the versatility of a dress rather than the ones which were too showy and could only be worn once.
Now, I manage to create a number of outfits according to the occasion by simply playing out with what limited casual dresses I own. It is fun and extremely satiating.
With minimalism in my life, I have started valuing and appreciating the little things like having lots of space left to store everything conveniently. Earlier, finding space to store my accessories was always an unsolvable dilemma. But now, I have enough space to store everything under one roof alongside my line of cute dresses. Footwear and purses are aligned on the rack below the outfit compartment. Ah! It couldn’t be any better.
Now that I have officially adopted this lifestyle, I understand why names like Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs made it big. Their minimalistic approach and turtlenecks do all the talking!
It is less stress, less distraction and increased productivity when you realize that there are more important things which needs some serious attention than clothing. With so many things already set to knock me down, clothing is the last thing I want to be amongst them. And I am glad I have solved the puzzle!