The pandemic stopped us from enjoying most of our favourite things, but it has also perked our interest in some unique things. In the last two years, most of us found activities that helped us make our days a little bit better. We have also learned to prioritize health by eating well and working out frequently.
Now that many pandemic restrictions have become more relaxed, we can finally spend our weekends outside. If you are looking for some unique adventures, an escape room game at Basement Escape Rooms would be perfect for you.
What is an Escape Room?
Escape rooms are the coolest experience right now. But if you don’t know enough about them, here is a brief explanation. An Escape room game (also known as a puzzle room or breakout room game) is a real-time escape room game. Players team up and voluntarily lock themselves up in a themed locked room. There are several themes to choose from, such as thriller, mystery, horror, Science fiction, and more. The main goal is to find the clues and solve the room puzzles in order to escape the room. You may also have to complete certain scenario-based tasks. The usual time limit is 60 minutes, but slight variations exist.
9 Foods to Boost Your Brain Power Before You Attempt an Escape Room Game
Escape games are a great way of working your brain. You must use your cognitive and creative skills to solve the puzzles in a time-sensitive game. So, it is really important to boost your brain power and awareness so that you don’t struggle in such a high-tension situation.
If you are worried about boosting your brain power, don’t worry. We are here to help.
Here is a list of 9 Foods that will boost your brain power before attempting an escape room game.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are two types of omega-3 fats present in fish. They are mainly found in fatty fishes like salmon, mackerel, anchovies, shellfish, etc. Omega-3s are great for firing up the neurons in your brain and trust me, and you certainly will need as much help as you can in an escape game.
Whole Grains
Whole grains like barley, buckwheat, brown rice, etc. Helps in increasing brain awareness. Ina game where you are required to discuss and collaborate with your teammates, you need to be alert at all times. So, make sure to eat well before attempting the game.
Leafy Greens
A high level of Amino acid leads to nerve damage in your brain. But consuming dark green vegetables lowers the amino acid level in our body. Especially the leafy greens help break down the amino acids further. Vegetables like spinach and broccoli are ideal for boosting brain awareness.
Nuts are a great sour e of proteins, minerals, and healthy fats. Nuts like walnut, almonds, hazelnuts, and peanuts help increase your cognitive abilities. Eating nuts will help improve your thought process and help in memory retention as well. It will also help focus on a game better.
Kiwi and Blueberries
Fruits like blueberries and kiwi boost heart health, aid in digestion, increase immunity, and helps improve motor coordination and helps in memory retention. Recognizing patterns and solving puzzles is not an easy feat, so get extra help while you can.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolates are a great source of antioxidants, and the flavanols (remember the bitter taste?) lower blood pressure. It is also a great anti-inflammatory food that helps in improving focus in a strenuous situation like an escape game.
Nitrates in beets improve the flow of blood towards your brain and help in memory retention abilities. This also aids concentration and alertness. So, beets are a great addition to your daily meals and especially before an escape game.
Tomato is a nutritious vegetable and a great source of vitamins B and E and potassium. It is also a great source of antioxidants that will help boost your brain power and alertness.
You have to remember to stay hydrated first. Turmeric milk (or any turmeric-infused food) is a great way to reduce inflammation. Turmeric will also help in improving the oxygen flow towards your brain, thereby improving your clarity and brain awareness.
Hope our list of 9 foods to brain power helps you in your escape room quest!